Angels among us (day 5-6)

Peter was already scheduled to work the event with me. I know he needs a break, some
Real Good, fresh air, and people To Talk to.

So... Both of our moms came to help me. Thank The Good Lord for moms. The only people who will help take care of your toddler, help with laundry, tell you to lay down, and make your child feel like the most special person on earth.

My coworkers sent me funny videos all weekend long, and more messages with recipes, and ideas, and funny YouTube posts about Kaynes #thruthewire. I hate that guy. LOL and now we have something in common... They also posted about all the good food they were eating..

At this moment in time I'm promising myself to never turn down a soft pretzel again....

Still figuring out food mixes. Got the best sleep yet. Sleeping with your head elevated is tricky for me. Both side of my jaw hurt and both ears. So...not a lot of options. Listen to me... at least I have a roof and heat and love and one damn good snuggle partner, who never talks me out of taking a nap...

 Food commercials kill me. And i don't even watch that much tv... in fact... this is how i had to rig up the rabbit ears in the basement to watch the Vikings/Saints game!


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