Major (Doctor)

Met the oral surgeon we picked out... I learned from the receptionist that he is sought out by many because he doesn’t use narcotics. In an effort to curb the opioid epidemic that is ruining so many lives these days... he’s doing his part to stop most people’s first introduction. The dentist. When you get your wisom Teeth pulled. Makes a lot of sense. I never had my wisdom teeth pulled. I don’t know these funny feelings people videotape after the dentist... and I guess now I won’t.

   Very thorough, he went to the hospital over his lunch break to get all my x rays and records. Sits me down and tells me the plan. He’s also googled and LinkedIn me so he’s aware of what I do for a living. But there is no easy way to fix my jaw. There are two ways. Both require wiring it shut for 4 weeks... or 6-8 weeks.

From what I gathered...The 4 week option is more for trauma patients and involves more pain. (Aren’t you an Ironman? He asks with a grin) too much info On the internet... lol
4 week option involves 4 large screws put into my jaw (while
I’m awake) then wired horizontally, tightly and maybe retightneed each week...

The 6-8 week option involves something similar to braces. No Screws.

When will this realistically happen I ask?
Tomorrow 10am.
I go home and google. Bad idea.


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