Would you rather...
I've been thinking about this when I hear situations that I deem pretty bad.
For example, my brother lives in Vermillion South Dakota. Many of you probably watch the news, or lived through quite a winter this year yourself, and perhaps you saw this part of the world
(rarely talked about for much)
but they made the news for a lot of snow and a lot of -30 degree days... ay yay yay.
Now I did grow up in Iowa, but I did live in San Diego, and now I'm in the middle.
So I know -30... and I wondered...
Would you rather...
Live somewhere with -30 temps for a month...
Have your jaw wired shut for a month...?
Of course there are FAR worse situations I can imagine that bring perspective into view.
The poor souls who battled fires only to turn around and battle rain and mud slides and losing their homes.
I would choose having my jaw wired shut for a month.
As I'm sure they would too.
My biggest issue with all of this has been "hanger".
(Hunger + Anger)
I call it the Hanger Vortex. And it can be wicked. A downward spiral when I see people eating delicious food (please keep posting, it's actually also making me very appreciative of good food.)
I vow after this, to never take food for granted.
But more so when I see people forgo REAL food for protein shakes. Never. EAT! Culinary geniuses have thought up and created such wonderful foods!!!
I'm still in disbelief at the idea of "souping".
Apparently one of the top 10 food trends of 2018.
It's this new premise, if you're too busy to eat, you can have a soup company provide you with meals on the go so you don't have to worry about having "a bad meal".... I gotta tell ya, after drinking all my meals for several weeks now, I would happily take a subpar "meal" rather than soup.
There are far worse... would you rather situations. I keep telling myself that.
Gripe: I can't brush my tongue!!!
Grateful: I have CLEAN water to brush my teeth... and eventually my tongue...
My List of Soft Foods for those 2-3 weeks before I can venture into the next stage:
Mac n Cheese
Krispy Kreme doughnuts? They still melt in your mouth right?
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